How Do I Reset My Keyboard

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What’s more frustrating and a hinder to your productivity than when your computer keyboard acts up? Whether your modifier or function keys aren’t working, you’re having lighting problems, or you’re experiencing general unresponsiveness, you can try resetting your keyboard to fix whatever issues you may be having. That way you won’t have to spend money on a new one. Wondering exactly how do I reset my keyboard? There are various ways to go about this, and the process varies depending on your device’s operating system and what type of keyboard you have. Here’s how you can tackle your external keyboard problems. Resetting Your Keyboard to Default Are you experiencing problems with your keyboard? You can do a soft reset by reinstalling its drivers. Try following these steps to reset your keyboard to its default settings. Reset a Keyboard on a Windows Computer Troubleshoot your Windows computer from home and reset your keyboard to default by following the steps below. 1. Click the Windows logo key + R simultaneously, and type “devmgmt.msc,” or open Windows Settings and find the Device Manager in the control panel. 2. Click “Keyboards” and select the one that needs to be reset. 3. Uninstall the device by hitting the red X at the top. 4.....


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