What you should know about computer repairbusinesses

We have find an interesting article on What you should know about computer repair businesses. that we think you will find valuable. It is located on a website dedicated to providing in-depth information about What you should know about computer repair businesses.. By clicking on the link below, you willl be redirected to the article, where you can explore and learn more about topic.

The state of Colorado has an overabundance of “basement geeks”.  This simply means that a person learned how to fix computers by tinkering with them in their basement or private room.  I understand that this can be an offensive and somewhat derogatory term; however, my purpose is to educate, not insult.  Let it also be known that I was once a basement geek.  I learned how to perform pc repairs on my own time, with tons of research and library videos.  Sorry folks, there was no YouTube in my day.  Although I may have learned many skills that were self-taught, most of my education in computers came from school.  Yes, I attended a college and a university, both of which taught me a large majority of my pc vocabulary.  It also taught me how to run computer repair businesses and manage employees for computer and laptop repairs in Colorado Springs.    Why does it matter if basement geeks open pc repair shops near me? It matters because many basement geeks open shops for computer repairs Colorado Springs with very little knowledge on how to perform the best computer repair.  A basement geek can figure out a repair in a few hours, sometimes a few days.  An educated and certified geek can figure out a repair in 1-6 hours every single time.  Furthermore, the accuracy of a basement geek is also about 50% on a diagnostic, while a certified computer technician is accurate 98% of the time.  Have....


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