Fix MoUSO Core Worker process high CPU disk usage RAMusage 2023

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Is your computer endlessly struggling with high disk usage or CPU consumption caused by the ‘MoUSO core worker process’ in Windows 10 / 11? This integral part of the Microsoft programming element is designed to manage Windows updates and the order in which updates are downloaded and installed, ensuring your operating system stays up-to-date. Let’s see how to fix this issue! Understanding MoUSO Core Worker Process The Mo USO ( Update Session Orchestrator )Core Worker Process is an integral software component in the Windows operating system.  This process specifically has a role linked with managing update sessions and functioning to modernize Microsoft Office and other associated products on your computer. Running automatically in the background, it springs into action whenever Windows detects any available updates. However, this crucial element of PC stability isn’t without its challenges. It can cause high CPU usage and overheating problems which all have been flagged by users ( it has happened to many of our clients too! ) It can also lead to high disk usage or excessive memory consumption (RAM), slowing down your machine’s performance significantly. Despite these issues, it’s important to note that this isn’t a virus or malware – it’s a legitimate Windows process aimed at enhancing system performance and stability. Causes of High Memory/Disk/CPU Usage There are several factors contributing to High Memory/Disk/CPU Usage by the MoUSO Core Worker Process. One key reason is that the Windows Update component attached to this process might be consuming resources excessively while working on downloading or installing updates. ....


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