Revolutionising IT Support Managed Services vsBreakFix

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In recent years, the IT service industry has undergone a significant evolution. The advent of personal computers and the rapid adoption of technology have brought new challenges to businesses, including the need for regular maintenance and repair. In the past, companies would rely on break-fix IT service providers to address issues as they arose, with technicians visiting their office location to troubleshoot and repair machines, networks, and other IT systems. While this model of service delivery was effective, it was also reactive and limited in scope. How do you define break-fix? Break-fix service is a term used to describe a particular approach to IT support. This method is characterised by a pay-as-you-go model, where clients only reach out to service providers when they require repairs or upgrades. IT companies that provide break-fix services typically bill on a time-and-materials basis, charging an hourly rate in addition to the cost of parts. Unlike other forms of IT support, break-fix providers do not typically offer service-level agreements (SLAs). Instead, the level of service and the fees associated with it will vary depending on the nature and severity of the issue at hand, as well as the time required to resolve the problem. Benefits and drawbacks of IT break-fix support The break-fix model of IT support offers both advantages and disadvantages for clients. On the one hand, the pay-as-you-go structure of this model can be appealing for small businesses with straightforward IT needs, as it eliminates the....


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