What Causes the Blue Screen of Death

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Unlike its name suggests, the blue screen of death doesn’t always mean the worst for your computer. However, it can still be a frustrating issue to solve, especially if you’re not well-versed in troubleshooting. Whether you’re a seasoned computer user or a novice, understanding the BSOD is essential for maintaining a healthy and functional PC. Keep reading to learn what causes the blue screen of death and how you can fix it. What is the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)? Also known as an error code, stop error, or black screen, the blue screen of death has many names, but its meaning is quite straightforward. When you see this notorious error notification, it means your Windows operating system has encountered a critical error. This causes your computer to interrupt normal operations and restart itself so it can attempt to troubleshoot. What Causes It? Any problem that causes Windows to stop running safely can trigger the blue screen of death. These problems can vary from very critical ones that need professional troubleshooting to relatively minor ones that you can solve independently. Usually, they’re related to driver software or hardware communication issues. Other common causes of the BSOD include: Fault device drivers Graphic card issues Overheating Malware Malfunctioning apps Incompatible updates How to Fix Blue Screen Errors It’s natural to feel panicked when facing an unexpected BSOD. After all, you wouldn’t....


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